Schools and education providers require a flexible long-term ICT strategy to adjust to evolving teaching methods and environments. This is particularly important due to budget limitations and growing student populations. The DfE's digital and technology standards state your senior leadership team (SLT) should create a minimum 2-year strategy that is aligned with your development plan.
Your IT expert will manage your digital technology strategy to support your school or college's development plan. They will be responsible for ensuring that your technology aligns with your school or college's goals. Their role is to help your institution grow and succeed through the use of technology.
By collaborating with your SLT, our education specialists will build an ICT strategy that maps out the steps your school should take to optimise your IT budgets and meet your short and long-term objectives.
Establishing the aims of your school’s short-term and long-term direction will ensure your ICT strategy centres around all these three components:
- Teaching and Learning
- Staff and Pupil Workload
- Risk and Compliance